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Water Increase Notice

The City of Morden is projecting to increase the amount of water purchased from Pembina Valley Water Cooperative (PVWC) from 5% (2020 figure) to 23% due to the current drought situation. The existing City of Morden rates were set considering that only 5% of the total water demand will be purchased from PVWC in 2014.

The City of Morden has not increased their “pass-through” rate or increased water rates since 2014. PVWC received rate increase approvals from the Public Utility Board for the years 2018 through 2022 for a total increase of $1.37/1000 gallons.

Whereas the City of Morden must increase their “pass-through” rate to account for past and current increases and for the increased volume of water to be purchased from PVWC.

The calculation is as follows/1000 gallons: 

  • $0.07 – on account of PVWC rate increase (5% of $1.37 for the years 2018 through 2022) at the purchase % of 5%
  • $1.97 – on account of increasing the purchase volume from the current 5% to 23%

Public notice is hereby given that the water rate increase will be $2.04/1000 gallons effective for March 1, 2022, quarterly billing in the City of Morden.  That being from the present water rate of $11.61/1000 gallons to $13.65/1000 gallons. The sewer rate will remain as it presently is, being $12.60/1000 gallons.

Nicole Reidle 
City Manager